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tv   Nightline  ABC  January 19, 2013 12:35am-1:05am PST

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you got it. what's happening is the hydrogen is burning. you can barely see it. oxygen is coming in, and then we get to this critical mix of hydrogen and oxygen. >> jimmy: that happens. whoa! whoa! oh, my goodness. what a great way to destroy -- let's look at the replay here. do it again. that is one of the best things i think i've ever seen. you got to mix some dip in there next time. >> jimmy: thank for watching jim where i kimmel live this week. next week it's iffing to be fun. naomi watts, allison williams, nicki minaj and that dirt bag matt damon will be here on thursday. "nightline" is next. have a magical weekend.
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tonight on "nightline" a zumba and an alleged prostitution ring. her alleged business partner speaks out for the first time. it is the cutting edge science that turned a piece of skin into a beating heart on this amazing breakthrough that's changing medicine as we know it. and man versus croc. the dangerous mission with what could be the largest crocodile on the planet, but who is the hunter, and who is the hunted? >> keep it right here,
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from new york city, this is "nightline" with bill wier. >> good evening.
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it is the sorted sex scandal that has turned a new england town upside down. an exercise instructor charged with using her latin themed workout studio for a prostitution ring whose detailed list of alleged clients name the names of over 100 local men. now her alleged business partner is feeling the heat, and tonight for the first time he speaks out to abc's john. >> reporter: this small picturesque new england town just a few miles from the summer compound of the first president bush is at the unlikely center of a white hot sex scandal. authorities claim this seemingly legitimate zumba dance studio, run by this woman, 30-year-old alexis wright, was actually a front for a prostitution ring used by more than 150 men, some of them prominent members of this tight knit community. >> i thought she was a little, i don't know, not risque, but a little flirtatious at times with a couple of the male participants of the class, but,
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i mean, it's zumba. you are many there to have fun. >> reporter: it unralphed this fall when police raided the dance studio and a nearby office. confiscating detailed records, hours of videotape, and what's now known as the list, names of alleged clients police are making public. today the man accused of bank rolling the studio, charged with 59 counts of promoting prostitution and invasion of privacy, is telling his side of the story for the first time days before his upcoming trial. >> we had a friendship. we talked often. i may see her once a month. >> reporter: married for more than 30 years and a father of two, local insurance agent mark strong sr. admits he co-signed the lease and gave wright a loan for her zumba studio, and he says they had a sexual relationship. >> never became romantic. we did have intimate moments, but it's not what i would
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consider romantic. >> reporter: it was just physical? >> it was strictly physical. >> reporter: how many times were you physical with her? >> i -- i don't know. >> reporter: did you ever pay her for an encounter? >> no. >> reporter: did you pay her for anything, a massage? >> no. >> reporter: it never got to that point? >> no. no. we were friends. >> reporter: the indictment also alleges that wright secretly recorded over 100 hours of video with her clients, something strong denies knowing about. he denies any wrong doing. strong is not the only one. police have released a blot other her website documenting arrests, complete with names, ages, and home addresses. more than 100 men and at least one woman thought for clients of wright's, and today we sat down with two attorneys representing 21 of the 66 already charged with being wright's clients. stoo people's lives have been turned upside down over this, and thief been turned upside down from the start from the time that their names have been put in a police blotter, which
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is evidence of nothing. it's merely an allegation, but the mere allegation here has been enough to smear people's reputations. >> reporter: to play devil's advocate here, the guy went looking for a massage. her ads were rescisque. >> you know, if you go in for a massage or even a sensual massage and you expect one thing and something else happens, do not any initiation on your own, as i think the evidence will show on most of these cases, i don't think that you buy what has happened to you now. the international media scrutiny having been taped without your knowledge. >> reporter: and the fallout has begun. the former head hockey coach at kenny bunk high school resigned after finding his name on the list, but he has pleaded not guilty. >> we believe that there's a presumption of innocence, and in this case it's been the backwards. it's a presumption of guilt, and you have to go prove your innocence. his intention was going for a
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massage in kennebunk. it turned out that he and ms. wright from his perspective had a relationship. ♪ >> reporter: wright, the former dance instructor seen here swinging her hips to a salsa beat. >> no comment. >> reporter: has been charged with more than 100 counts of prostitution, veelgs of privacy, and tax evasion. >> not guilty. >> reporter: her attorney is adamant her client is innocent. >> it's been tough. there's been a lot of scrutiny. getting through the day in any sort of normal way has been difficult. she's doing the best she can. she's certainly worried about what's going to happen to the criminal process. >> reporter: we went to wright's house back in october looking for answers. >> hello. is anybody home? you don't want to talk about the allegations? did you do it? >> no comment. >> did you run a prostitution ring? >> you know what, i will pick up the phone, and i will call the police. >> reporter: it is a scandal that has ripped apart a small town and destroyed lives and reputations. at the center of it, the woman who has yet to tell her story,
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alexis wright, who has everyone talking. as for mark strong sr., he says he will spend the rest of his life apologizing to his wife. >> i'm sorry for any dishonesty, for the intimate relationship that i had with alexis wright. >> reporter: for "nightline" i'm john shrippen, in kennebunk, maine. i will tell you about the stem-cell breakthrough that allowed me to watch my own heart tissue beating outside my body and what it means for you. >> abc news nightline brought to you by progressive. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one!
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>> what if you could stockpile a set of spare parts, not for your car, but for your body? you know, extra hearts and a fresh lung, a better eye? all grown in a lab from a piece of your skin? the idea sounded like science fiction until a team of doctors at the world famous mayo clinic took a tiny piece of my arm into a lab, turned it into living cardiac tissue and let me watch it beat at the same rate at the heart many my chest. it is part of a nobel prize winning breakthrough spurred by a race to save kids like this. meet sophie. 30 pounds of molten cuteness. watching this 3-year-old motor around her minnesota home you would never know she was born with half of a functioning heart. >> how old was she when she had the first surgery? >> four days. >> four days.
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so her heart was the size of -- >> a wall nut. yeah. >> we got to see it beating inside her chest before they closed it up too. >> really? >> yeah. >> are you wearing lipstick, or are your lips mnaturally that rosy. >> they're usually nice and blue. >> oh, sophie. >> after three open heart surgeries she's doing well, but odds are she will still need a heart transplant to sur vaif into adulthood, like coulter. >> action figures. >> born with the same condition, he has had two transplants. >> that heart is not going to wait much longer. i'm getting it. >> reporter: is he now on his third heart at age 10. hang around with kids like this, and you can't help but marvel at the medical talent that can hold off a genetic death sentence, but hang around with the medical talent at the mayo clinic, and you will witness more frustration than pride because despite their skills, they know
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there aren't enough little hearts to go around. there has to be a better way, and dr. tim nelson thinks he knows what it is. >> we're here to talk today about stem cells and regenerative medicine. >> yep, regenerative medicine. the belief that one day doctors will fix our diseased or broken bodies with healthy spare parts grown in a laboratory. >> you'll feel a little pressure here. >> he has asked for a chunk of my flesh to prove it. >> i'm going to put it in that jar. >> a little blob of arm going into pink liquid and then to a lab where they will turn my skin cells into the kind of stem cell that form me as a 3-week-old embryo. the kind of stem cells that can then be coaxed into becoming brain or lung or eye or any other part of my body. >> can you see various things on the bottom of this. >> it looks like mold or something. >> these are human cells that are growing in there. they're forming different types of tissue. we're guiding this tissue into
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specifically the heart tissue. >> yeah. yeah. it's pulsing. it's beating. >> you are actually looking at somebody's heart muscle right now. >> wow. >> that didn't come from a heart? it came from skin? like mine? >> reporter: dr. nelson has decided the demo would be a lot cooler if i became the first person to come to mayo and see his own heart beating outside his body, so i promised to return in a few months. >> hey, doc. how are you? >> i'm good. good to see you again. >> how is little bill? >> little bill is doing great. we got some good things to share. >> really? hey, guys. how are you? >> hello. >> these are my heart cells, right? >> this is the house that your cells have been living in for quite a few months. >> right. >> it's not the best accommodations, i guess, but it's as good as we've got for them. >> it's cleaner than my apartment. >> it's clean. it's warm. they get fed every day.
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>> to see what's become of my arm hunk dr. nelson has me saddle up to the microscope. >> so this is me? >> you can adjust the eyes here so you can see it. >> this is my heart tissue beating outside my body? oh, yeah. little bill is pumping slow. >> so this is a pretty calm, calm cell right now. >> reporter: can you see why this kind of medical science just won the nobel prize. why a company like cellular dynamics in madison, wisconsin, is growing billions of cells a day so drug companies can test new medicine on the living tissue of specific patients instead of mice, and without the controversy that comes can harvesting stem cells from unborn children. >> wow. oh, man. now, that is cool. >> reporter: dr. nelson gets most excited when he shows me a tiny piece of my heart tissue that looks exactly like a heart.
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a pumping three-dimensional glimpse into a future. when this kind of cell could theoretically get injected into a heart attack victim or a deceased child and literally mend broken hearts. >> this is a functioning tissue. >> reporter: that is the hope. while these cells could grow hearts or lungs or brains, they could also grow tumors, and it could be years before the science is ready for the first clinical trials on humans. >> i know you have to be cautious about predictions, but in sophie's lifetime, could this save her? could this build her a healthy heart? >> that is exactly what we're working towards as a program. >> she's such a good mommy. she rocks her baby. >> right. >> plays with them, and then in my heart i get very sad because will she get to have babies one day? is that something she won't get to do? those are the things that i get to think about and worry about. >> science is moving fast, but not fast muff for families like that. thanks to the mayo clinic, much more at abc, and coming
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up next, over 2,000 pounds of muscle. the hunt for what could be one of the largest crocodiles on earth. i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure,
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or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. my ex-girlfriend... 7th grade math teacher. who is this? that's pete. my... [ dennis' voice ] allstate agent. a "starving artist" has an allstate agent? he got me... [ dennis' voice ] the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance and you still get an agent. [ normal voice ] i call it... [ dennis' voice ] the protector. is that what you call it? the protector! okay. ♪ the allstate value plan. are you in good hands?
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lethal, leathery, and armed with dozens of raiser sharp teeth, crocodiles make one formidable neighborhood pesk, and when a remote village came across a monster of dinosaur era proportions, they turned to a famous crocodile hunter to help track him down and capture him alive. here's abc's tonya rivero.
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>> reporter: the adult salt water crocodile. the planet's largest and deadliest reptile. it has no natural predators and treats any animal within range as prey. including humans. >> a salt water crocodile sees people as food. it's just one of their attributes. as a predator looking to find that next meal and really neglect that moves is a potential meal. >> reporter: these monster salties are the subject of two new shows on nat geo wild. one traps a giant killer croc that terrorizes a small filipino community brutally killing an 11-year-old girl and a fisherman. >> crocodiles and humans don't co-exist perfectly because of how aggressive they can be, and so there's the challenges now for how we make room for
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crocodiles in the modern world. >> reporter: though the salt water croc is often protected by the law, it is still coveted for its valuable skin and is more often killed by humans than vice versa. here in this marsh where 70% of people make their living by fishing, any creature that comes near the shore is in mortal danger. and the stealthy salty is the master of ambush. >> they're really perfectly adapted for being hunters. they can just barely have their eyes break the if you asurface, can get close to people without being noticed, and then they have tremendous strength to literally leap at their prey. strong jaws. then pull that prey into the water. >> reporter: nototology wait until the enormous beast strikes again, villagers here turn to legendary croc hunter ronny sue miller to capture the killer alive.
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the hunter becomes the hunted. but several attempts to catch it in a steel snare fail. he says the cable has snapped. i think we're dealing with a much bigger croc than we expected. until finally success, or is it? this creature weighs over 2,300 pounds. easily the largest croc they had ever seen. >> this is -- oh, my god. that's really huge. >> reporter: renowned croc expert adam britain arrives to measure for possible entry into the again esbook of world records. a harrowing process that first requires tranquilizing the massive beast. >> he has really powerful muscle that is run down his tail, and this is are intra-muscular, so
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i'm just going to go between the scales. oh. like a big mosquito. even that bent the needle. >> reporter: this is the first time anyone has measured a living croc of this magnitude. >> it's like measuring a dinosaur. it's just amazing. >> reporter: it stretches a whopping 20 feet, three inches long. >> the largest salt water crocodile in the world. a salt water crocodile has got the strongest bite of any animal. if we were to measure his bite, he would be the strongest that had ever been measured. >> reporter: despite its record-breaking size, the villagers are not convinced the beast they've named lolong is the man killer they saw. one who witnessed the attack decapitating 11-year-old lolina louise says this monster is simply too small. he believes the killer croc he saw was closer ho 40 feet long.
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even though month more people have been killed since the capture, the villagers are still afraid because salties are not only chillingly patient hunters, but they are also masters of survival. >> they can survive a long time without eating. they can even survive in certain cases drought by getting into the mud, and then to be sort of the descendants of animals that evolved even before the dean saurs. >> reporter: so many here worry the real monster is still out there watching and waiting. i'm tanya rivero for nightline in new york. >> wow. croc invasion. monster croc premiers monday, january 21st on natgeowild. manti te'o, the center of the bizarre on-line hoax broke his silence for the first time in an off camera interview with espn's


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